I know you got a good heart,
I know it.
Wintertime is not for everyone,
Only the homeless like we.
Now, this season cause the worse-worse afflictions
Of the mind and of the body.
An' this body here tougher
I'ffen tell you no lie.
Nobody wants clenched fists, crisp chills,
Hemorrhagin' lips an' tetanal jaws.
Appeal I think to jus' a few.
But unprepossessing we
Glad for equal footin'
This time when Santa long coming long.
Santa been coming behind that dumpster
He ain't the real one, mind
But his whooping always agitating
Lee-got-a-penny the "seoul crooner".
Poor man got a vicious case of the scrofula
Of the body not the mind, mind.
Skinny, yet wintertime got some delights,
If you are homeless like we, mind.
You ever had a cup of dunkin' brew?
The stuff!
Mind I don't care much for't--
The caffeine addictions an' all but...
Come winter
Our hands are the only oneses can open...
Only the homeless are free, mind.
Only the homeless are free...
Ain't being strangled
By cashmere nooses.
For't I'll die sooner, I stole one from a bow-tick
Damnit I jus' had to hide Lee's scrofula!
Scarin'uhchillren jus'
Right of now he's belting a tune like the radio.
Coulda 'queeze your eyes an' cause a tear
His puss-filled lymphs sweetenin' every high note,
"It's the most won-der-ful time of the year."
You dropping a dollar or what?
Git df@ck outta here.
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